středa 5. února 2014

Yukon Arctic Ultra - 2nd place

People around keep saying, "You did Ironman, you did marathon, you won European championship, you are special" and you feel satisfied that you achieved something different until the moment when you are around people racing  Yukon Arctic Ultra. You getting psychicaly ready for running marathon in cold weather and you think this should be something special.....

There is a couple outside on the trail and you would never tell, that this people might be racing, but they do. We ask them what distance are they running. We guessed that they will run marathon, but they are going to run 300mile. Even though they just walk, they did 300miles in -30°C, this is really impresive...
We had a dinner day before the race and one guy joined us at our table. I thought this guy will run marathon and probabaly very slow, he doesn´t look like runner...then he start talking about his adventure, when he rowed accross atlantic with his friend in 59 days and you realize, that adventure means something else than race and be fast...
Another person sitting in our table is older man from Australia. When we saw him at the airport he looked like oldschool guy in funny dress carring big bag and ski. We found out, that he is a volunteer and he came just because he likes adventure and he loves traveling and he is a teacher and he is traveling around the world and volunteer at this kind of events. He is coming to Liberec in 2017 and he wants to race in Jizerská 50ka :) 
This group of people were just amazing and inspiring. Some of them did fast, some of them slow, but all of them were happy, that they experienced big adventure.

I am not saying that everybody should do this crazy race, I am saying it´s never  late to experience some adventure :)

I finished as a second woman, got lost and all the time I thought, how it is like to run 100mile...I think that it´s time to move my threshold higher..:)

I am very proud of my boyfriend Jan. He did as a 1st Czech YUA and 1st time in his life ran 160km. He is never afraid of  any adventure, he is a big motivation for me...
Big congratulations belongs to rest of the Czech group - Karel (Jan´s father), Vítek (Pandaman) and Marek for running marathon.